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Randal Bays, w/ Marty Smith – House Concert

Our last show with Randal Bays was during the tail end of the pandemic, and we’re looking forward to welcoming him back when there’s less health stress! Randal holds the record for the most ever house concerts with us, and it’s for a good reason! Randal is one of the premiere advocates of Irish music in the US. He is a world class Irish fiddler, guitar player, and all around nice guy! You might know him through his musical partnership with Martin Hayes, or through his Friday Harbor and Cascadia teaching camps, but if you’ve never actually heard him play, you’re in for a serious treat!

And last time he was here, I introduced him to our good friend, Marty Smith, who is a phenomenal bouzouki player and singer. Randal has roped Marty into doing this little regional tour, and we couldn’t be happier!

Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $20

As usual, we’ll provide Hors d’Oeuvres and you can bring drinks to share. And we’ll have a session following the concert, as usual!

Randal will also be doing a melody workshop at 2PM earlier that day!

Reserve your seats below!

Pete & Kelly's House

Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Date: 05/10/2025
Time: 07:00pm

Are you coming?
Then RSVP below!

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