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Southwest Ramblers – House Concert

After a rousing gig with the Southwest Ramblers in 2022, we have been hoping to have them back! The visa applications for musicians from Ireland have gotten harder to obtain, but after a lot of work by the Irish lads, we are very excited to welcome them back again in 2025!

Hailing from Cork are both Hughie Kennedy and Jason Turk.

Hughie is a native of Cork City with musical roots coming from both sides of the family.
Since starting the box at the age of 13, he performs regularly for senior dancing competitions, céilís and festivals. Hughie is a regular performer at the Box showcase for the Cork Folk Festival.

Jason is a full time professional musician, composer and music teacher from West Waterford.
Thanks to the mentorship of Bobby Gardiner, Jason has fostered a deep love and respect for Irish traditional music from a young age as well as the technical proficiency to be a multiple all-Ireland medalist.

Both Hughie and Jason have toured extensively with “The Young Irelanders” at various times across America.

Joining them again will be Grace Broadhead, an award winning fiddle player and current holder of the Fiddler Of London Diaspora award and also a Fleadh Cheoil winner. Grace released her debut album, Tipping The Scales, to wide acclaim in 2022 as she follows in the fiddle stylings of legends Frankie Gavin and Tommy Peoples.

Here’s a video of Hughie and Jason playing for a ceili:

The gang will be doing a general melody workshop for folks who are interested on Saturday afternoon before the concert, as well. ( for the workshop, and it includes admission to the concert).

Saturday, April 26 2025
7PM (arrive any time after 6:30)
$20 Suggested Donation

As usual, we’ll have some hors d’ oeuvres and a pot of something on the stove, and you can bring drinks to share for the concert and instruments for the session to follow!

Please come out and help support these fine musicians!

Pete & Kelly's House

Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Date: 04/26/2025
Time: 07:00pm

Are you coming?
Then RSVP below!

Number of Attendees: